Visual QA

Accura-Tech constructs websites according to Client-approved design concept .psds and the build layout guidelines. Following the development of the website, we ensure that the aesthetic appeal of the site is a 100% match with the conceptual design.

The below tasks are carried out to guarantee this visual compatibility:

  • Layout of the newly built site is compared with the .psd design using 1 pixel level compatibility to be match every detail
  • Font style, color and size are tested for readability and typeface specifications
  • Validation of links and heading hierarchy to ensure that the specified sequence is followed
  • Validation of hover effects on links and images
  • Responsiveness to ensure that all the elements adjust according to the screen size
  • Browser compatibility to ensure that the site looks the same on all the main browsers; IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari
  • Device compatibility to ensure that the site looks good on all devices.

Accura-Tech uses a range of physical devices and online tools to perform these tests.